Vivien Wise, MFA 2020

February 26-29, 2020

Opening Reception: February 28th, 6-8pm

Tree Connection, 2019, couch, laminated paper, found vinyl, paper mache

If a Tree Falls, 2019, crochet blankets, 36" x 60" each

Artist Statement

As an artist drawn to materiality, community, and environment, my work questions: What is our social relationship to plants? How might a place love us back? In what ways are we social and how might we relate that to trees? In response to a desire for intimacy in community combined with a desire for a stronger connection to nature, I have been making an effort to answer these questions. I have been using a variety of traditional, mediated social spaces of different scales, from the living room to visitor’s centers to dating games shows to explore a social link to trees. As a vast and interconnected community created by the forest, I am investigating our own social connections through this relation.