A core strength of the Tyler School of Art and Architecture is the breadth of its academic programs. The school offers more than 40 degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Our Bachelor of Fine Arts programs are also offered as BFA with Entrepreneurial Studies or a BFA with Art Education concentration. In addition, a variety of minors in Art, Art History, City & Regional Planning, Community Development, Ecological Planning & Design, Environmental Horticulture, Landscape Studies, and Sustainable Food Systems can complement an undergraduate student's major course of study.
Certificate programs in Creative Entrepreneurship (undergraduate), Environmental Sustainability (undergraduate), Health Facilities Planning (graduate), Historic Preservation (undergraduate), Horticultural Therapy (undergraduate), Landscape Plants (undergraduate), Native Perennial Garden Design (undergraduate), Sustainable Community Planning (graduate), Sustainable Food Systems (undergraduate)
and Transportation Planning (graduate) round out our programs.
Temple University also offers a degree in Art through Temple University, Japan Campus.
Explore our disciplines below.