
AED Presents: Cross Disciplinary Approach to Nature Based Solutions for Ecological Restoration

This presentation will track the historical and rapidly evolving challenges to salt marsh ecosystems and coastal infrastructure in southern New Jersey and describe how the integration of innovative landscape architectural practices and research are leading to more informed and resilient planning and design at The Wetlands Institute in Stone Harbor, New Jersey.


Lenore P. Tedesco, PhD
Wetland Ecologist Executive Director, The Wetlands Institute

Sean Burkholder
Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design
Co-Director of EMLab

Keith VanDerSys
Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture, University of Pennsylvania Weitzman School of Design
Co-Director of EMLab 

This is an in-person event that will also stream on Zoom: Join us online

This event is supported by the Temple General Activities Fund.
Image: Beneficial use of dredged channel sediments for marsh rehabilitation in the Cape May Wetlands Wildlife Management Area (Scotch Bonnet site), New Jersey. Photo Credit: K. Vandersys, UPENN EMLab