Rachelle Mozman
- Website: www.rachellemozman.com
- Contact: rachelle@rachellemozman.com
Rachelle Mozman grew up in New York City and currently makes work between Brooklyn and Panama City, Panama. Mozman has an MFA from Tyler School of Art and Architecture. As an artist working in photography and video her practice intersects document, narrative and performativity. Mozman is fascinated with ideas of ethnography and her work engages themes around family, class and gender divides. In 2012 Mozman exhibited in Caribbean: Crossroads of the World in The Studio Museum in Harlem. In 2011 Mozman, exhibited in El Museo del Barrio Bienal the (S) Files. In 2013 Mozman exhibited La Negra y su Pequeña at The Camera Club of New York. Mozman exhibited her series Costa del Este through En Foco’s Traveling Exhibition program in 2010. A selection of Mozman’s photographs were published in Light Work’s annual Contact Sheet and Nueva Luz. Mozman has been awarded artist in residences at The Camera Club of New York, Smack Mellon, Light Work and the La Napoule Foundation.
Mozman is a Fulbright Fellow, and has exhibited at Catherine Edelman gallery, Chicago, IL, the Chelsea Museum, New York, New York, The DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, Massachusetts, the Museum of Latin American Art, Long Beach, California, the Shore Institute of Contemporary Art, Long Branch, New Jersey, Festival de la luz at the Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Argentina the Instituto Cultural Itau, São Paulo, Brazil, the Friese Museum, Berlin, Germany, the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo, Uruguay, Centro Cultural de España, Mexico City, Mexico, Festival Biarritz, Biarritz, France, as well as the IX Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador.