Architecture 2020 Celebration



Class of 2020, congratulations!

On behalf of the faculty and staff, I salute you for your achievements. You have demonstrated resilience, dedication, and strength of character through the unexpected and unprecedented challenges you faced in completing your studies this year. We have missed spending these last few weeks with you in person, but have been heartened by your continued work effort and accomplishments. This time has served as a poignant reminder of the reciprocal nature of our classrooms and studios. We are all learning together and supporting each other. Your energy and creativity will most certainly serve you well in your future endeavors.

As you enter this next phase of your life, remember that your faculty are still here to support you. Please keep in touch. We look forward to gathering in person to celebrate as soon as we are able.

Be well, and see you soon!

Rashida Ng
Chair, Architecture and Environmental Design

Tyler Architecture 2020

Capstone Exhibit