Benjamin Fedosky, MFA 2023


Opening Reception: March 17, 6 - 8pm

Gates, 2022, oxidation-fired stoneware, found cement, 18x15x7

10. Untitled (Ponty's Landscape) - detail, 2022, stoneware, charcoal, clay slip, 29x161 

Artist Statement

My work is rooted in figurative sculpture and takes an experimental approach to the language of portraiture. My process-based practice is driven by a fascination with the human face, materiality, mark-making and non-verbal communication through visual perception. I have abandoned conventional ideas associated with likeness and identification, and instead treat the visage as a landscape of expression through fragmentation, abstraction, and iteration. 

For me, this perspective raises interesting questions surrounding representation. When a portrait is stripped of its traditional function, what is left and what is conveyed? How stable is appearance? What determines individuality versus anonymity, and what does that transformative space look like? 

More information about Benjamin Fedosky available at

All photos credited to the artist.