Thesis Exhibition: April 16- April 19
Reception: April 18, 5-8pm
I Lost My Soul in a Game of Canasta, 2023 Wood paneling, faux fur, MDF, sand, yarn, fabric, foam, acrylic paint, enamel, Hardware, Chains, mirror balls, found objects, smell, light, 96” x 96’’ x 96”
Faggot, 2024, Neon mounted on wood paneling, 42” x 42’’ x 3”
Artist Statement
In my work, I explore ideas of longing, liminality, and anemoia through internal and external research. Anemoia is a feeling of nostalgia for a time you have never known or an alternative timeline. The word comes from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows by John Koenig. Through the creation of interactive sets and installations, I use sculptures like props combined with light, smell, and sound to create a liminal space and doorways to new realities. This threshold we stand in and move through but never quite get to the door at the other end of the hall is where I situate my work. In this way, I place my work in conversations with ideas of queering space, time, and perception. When thinking about my installations, I often refer to Serfe Becker's quote about nightlife as a "Set design for a play that hasn't been written." The audience becomes the protagonist and the lead in their story. The art becomes a place for projecting themselves into that liminal space between reality and fiction, a suspension of disbelief.
More information about Boi Boy at
All photos credited to the artist.