Conversation with Temple Law Asylum Project's Jaya Ramji-Nogales and Linh Nguyen and Tyler Graphic & Interactive Design's Bryan Satalino
Join us for an introduction on a collaborative process between Temple School of Law and Tyler School of Art and Architecture students.
Our southern border is currently in crisis due in large part to unrest in Central American countries and migrants seeking asylum from terrible conditions back home. Seeking asylum is no easy task and these migrants often fail in their efforts due to being completely uninformed about the process. One incredibly important part of the asylum application process is providing evidence that they are in imminent danger in the country they are a citizen of. Temple School of Law students (Temple Law Asylum Project or TLAP), under the guidance of Professor Jaya Ramji-Nogales and Linh Nguyen, are working with our undergraduate students in Graphic & Interactive Design under the leadership of Bryan Satalino, assistant professor of instruction and director of The Hatchery, to provide a platform for disseminating this evidence in the form of local and national news stories, official statements and other reportage.