
Laurie Wagman Visiting Artist Series Presents: Maria del Carmen Montoya

Maria del Carmen Montoya operates in the contested ground between art and social activism. As an artist, she seeks ways to catalyze this natural social phenomenon with situations that insist on the power of human-scale intervention in the presumed inevitability of everyday life. She believes that art can be a potent crucible for social change. Thus, her work is often about resistance and challenging norms, inverting power hierarchies and breaking rules but she also traffics in beauty, memory, humor and other potentially radical forces for activating communities.

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Image: American Riad, Art, Architecture and Housing Jus-tice, Ghana ThinkTank, (2016–Present). 3D model of vision. Courtesy of the artist.
Supported by the Laurie Wagman Fund in Glass Art at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture.