Associate Professor of Aesthetics and Critical Studies
Painting, Art History

Philip Glahn, PhD


Philip Glahn’s research and teaching focus on the histories, theories and practices of art as technology, labor and activism. His writings on the legacies of avant-garde strategies, the politics of drawing, digital media and new social formations, radio and the public sphere, as well as other topics have appeared in publications including Art Journal, Afterimage, The Brooklyn Rail, Parallax, Panorama and PUBLIC, as well as several anthologies.

His research has been supported by several grants including a Fulbright Fellowship and a Helena Rubinstein Fellowship for Critical Studies as part of the Whitney Independent Studies Program. Prior to his appointment at Tyler, he taught art history and criticism at Pratt Institute, Brooklyn College and Hunter College, where at the latter he received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching. Glahn’s book addressing questions of socialism and technology, pedagogy and the utility in the work of Bertolt Brecht was published in 2014 by Reaktion Books. He was a 2020 recipient of the Art Journal Award, given to the most distinguished contribution published in Art Journal during the previous year. His current research focuses on the relationship between art, communication technologies and concepts of utopia. A book project (with Cary Levine), concerning the work of Mobile Image, one of the most significant telecommunications art collectives of the contemporary era, is forthcoming from MIT Press.

PhD, Art History and Criticism, Graduate Center, City University of New York, 2007 
MS, History, Theory and Criticism of Art and Architecture, Pratt Institute, New York, 1998 
MA, Cultural Studies, Universität Lüneburg, Germany, 1997
Selected Work

Glahn, P., & Levine, C. (2020). Satellite Arts: A Television of Attractions. Parallax [Networked Liminality].

Glahn, P., & Levine, C. (2019, Fall). The Future is Present: Electronic Café and the Politics of
     Technological Fantasy*. Art Journal.

*Awarded the 2020 Art Journal Award for most distinguished contribution published in Art Journal

Glahn, P. (2019. Fall). The Bauhaus: Lost in Translation—Art as Work. Wolkenkuckucksheim/Cloud-
     Cuckoo-Land—International Journal of Architectural Theory
, pp.151–162

Glahn, P. (2019). The Radio and/as Digital Productivism. In: A. Thurmann-Jajes, et al. (Eds.),
     Radio as Art: Concepts, Spaces, Practices (Schriftenreihe für Künstlerpublikationen) (pp. 203-210).
     Bielefeld and London: Transcript Verlag.

Glahn, P. (2014). Bertolt Brecht. London, UK: Reaktion Books.


Image credit: Temple University Photography / Joseph V. Labolito