One third of selected entries feature their design work

Prototype of book cover by Anna Williams
The works of over 40 Tyler students will be published this month in Locally Sourced, a juried publication for Philadelphia art and design students produced by the Philadelphia chapter of AIGA, a national professional organization for design.
Of the 124 students featured in this year’s issue, 41 Tyler students will be included, 39 of whom represent the Graphic & Interactive Design (GAID) undergraduate and graduate programs. The publication will be released December 15 in print and online at
"I am so thankful to have been selected as a runner-up in this issue of Locally Sourced,” said Ha Tran (MFA ’25). “Monsoon was one of the first projects created for my MFA program at Tyler, and it remains one of my proudest accomplishments. I love to spread the joy of queer expression through my work, and I am thrilled to see the celebration of my identities resonate with so many people."
Mia Culbertson, an assistant professor of instruction in GAID, attributed the impressive showing by Tyler students to “the strength of their work.” The annual publication works like a juried show, so students are accepted overall to the publication and then designated winners, runners-up and honorable mentions are named.
Culbertson, an AIGA Philadelphia board member, said that the chapter received 350 submissions from several universities and that the jury narrowed the acceptance pool to 130 projects. The categories of work include Graphic, Information & Print Design; Advertising Design & Copywriting; Interactive, Product & Game Design; Image-making, Illustration & Photography; and Animation, Videography & Concept Art.
“AIGA stands as the foremost design organization in the U.S., and we are delighted to see numerous Tyler GAID students being acknowledged in this selective competition,” said Kelly Holohan, GAID Program Head. “These instances provide our students with valuable opportunities to showcase their work and connect with the design community. Not only do these experiences enhance their resumes, but they also contribute to setting our students apart and facilitating their job searches post-graduation.”
The featured Tyler students include:
- Fantastic Mr. Fox — Anna Williams
- Mâm - Your Vietnamese Dinner Party — Nghi To
- Free Library of Philadelphia — Autumn Kitabjian
- Monsoon Queer API Film Festival — Ha Tran
- Apex Creative Co. — Peter Bernardino
- Exhale: Size-Inclusive Healthcare — Mei Li Carling
- Broadway On — Maura O'Malley
- Bopsong — Grace Alderman
- Queen of Spades (Opera Poster) — Chelsea Alexander
- Curbside — Sean Delmore
- Lord of the Flies — Kate Lama
- FORM Magazine — Audrey Lee
- The Immortal Stitch — Talia Valenti
- 1984 — Zhiyi Song
- Giant Steps Album Package — Michael Conwell
- ABCs of Chocolate Campaign — Felix Hollifield
- Science& — Nghi To, Ha Tran, MeiLi Carling, Mike Ray
- Senior Thesis: Backbeat — Olivia Smith
- Gibbon + Crane — Hannah Pang
- Rixus — Shayna Blinkoff
- Chioo — Nayoung Im
- Breakfast at Tiffany's Publication — Amelia Narducci
- Whimsical Puzzle — Amelia Narducci
- Rejoice: The Rich Celebrations of India — Sana Kewalramani
- Traveler of the Dream — Kaitlyn O'Hanlon
- Reverse Rodeo Matchbook Set — Mickey Mullin
- Royal Fish Sardine Co — Sophia Mazza
- Phoga — Autumn Kitabjian
- Furna - The Furniture Feng Shui Game — Andrew Gonzalez
- "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston — Veronica Joyce
- Gorillaz (2001) Vinyl Album Package — Kaitlyn O'Hanlon
- Hudson Gems — Meryl Skoog
- Lantern Entheogenics — Meryl Skoog
- MOOSH x Ecovative Wines — Jillian Villafuerte
- Villafuerte: Stronghouse — Jillian Villafuerte
- Nutmeg's Cafe & Bakery — Megan Mount
- Lost in the Woods — Megan Mount
- Tynt — Chloe Morris
- Phoenix Album Redesign & Vinyl Package — Anna Williams
- Ophelia — Natalia Purchiaroni (Photography)
- Bodies of Water — Olivia Guerra (Visual Studies)
AIGA Philadelphia will host a launch party on December 15 at Huddle, 338 Brown St in Philadelphia.