Gianna Santucci, MFA 2025

Thesis Exhibition: April 16- April 19   

Reception: April 18, 5-8pm    

...and the beat goes on, 2024, video projection on snare drums, 57" x 57" x 6.5" 

the conversation, 2024, snare drums, audio transducer, contact microphones, Behringer Xenyx X1204USB Soundboard, size variable 

Artist Statement  

Noise cannot be eradicated. Noise is necessary as a tool of disruption, as a complicating factor, as an assertion of agency and autonomy. Noisemaking has a long history of communicating protest when proper channels do not and cannot suffice. Noise creates avenues for harnessing alternate forms of collectivity. My work— using industrial materials, musical instruments, text, sound, and light— exists in the noisy rupture outside the binary of transmission and reception, the place where static forms. It is incorrect to view static as merely a failure of communication. While we are trained to recognize audio/visual static as a lack of signal, what we are actually experiencing are electromagnetic signals being picked up all the way from distant stars to frequencies generated by nearby man-made electronic devices carried through our atmosphere. Static exists as evidence of a deeper, cosmological connection, of desiring points of contact between frequencies.  What happens then when we view static not as a failed signal, but one that accurately represents all our messy imperfect connections? It provides a voice for us to relay our discontentment with our social relations, and our relationship to cultural production. By embracing static, we embrace the productive communicative potential of noise. 

More information about Gianna Santucci at  

All photos credited to the artist.