Jackson Hawkins, MFA 2020

March 25-28, 2020

Opening Reception: March 27th, 6-8pm

untitled, 2019, installation

untitled, 2019, installation

Artist Statement

Focusing on the interaction of light and surface through refraction, reflection, and resonance, I propose questions on material understanding dependent upon the perception of reality and personal perspective. This approach to glass utilizes diverse dialogues across themes in philosophy, theology, physics, and material science, attempting to answer the greater questions the boundaries our agreed upon reality has established. As these boundaries become stretched by time and space, we begin to realize that the brief shifts and moments we experience in our perception, that seem to occur outside our reality, are manifested, themselves, in a very tangible structure not always perceivable from our point of view. Given the opportunity to place ourselves within two-dimensional or four-dimensional perspectives, three-dimensional objects manifest as imprints and silhouettes and refract or distort. Qualities of substances we have always known, but transforming according to our perspective within a space we never knew was present. This membrane of space between spaces causes substances that were once familiar to begin to behave and appear dramatically transmuted to how we have known them. 
