Naomi Lemus

April 7-10


La Cama
Box spring, clothing, cinder blocks, video projection.

Growing up a first-generation Mexican American forcefully made me weave through multi-cultural environments and spaces. My work looks to comprehend generational narratives of trauma through the lense of empathy, acknowledgment, mending, and forward movement.

My search for emotional healing is both a personal and artistic practice that primarily focuses on forms of assemblage installation. These installations pull from family archives such as handwritten letters and family photos as well as personal and borrowed memories. I work alongside family members to recreate memories that have shaped us and our perspective of loved ones. Using these recollections I build installations based on environments that family members or myself have inhabited.

These works draws from rasquachismo, “In its broadest sense it is a combination of resistant and resilient attitudes devised to allow the Chicano to survive and persevere with a sense of dignity” (Amalia Mesa-Bains) and domesticana, or feminist rasquachismo, to undo the wounds of patriarchy and colonization.