BFA in Photography

BFA in Photography

Photographic images are central in our culture. Photographers are artists, reporters, scientists, historians, provocateurs, storytellers, spies, detectives, teachers, explorers. At Tyler, photography majors learn both the art and science of the discipline, as well as the history and contemporary critical trends and theories of the medium. This thorough education prepares students to take on any one of these roles or to create their own path.

The BFA program emphasizes photographic processes as a fine art medium. The Photography Program at Tyler was one of the first art schools in the country to offer a BFA and MFA in Photography, and the first place to offer coursework in color photography. The program has long been a comprehensive blend of the historic processes of photography and an exploration of the most current techniques, including a new media time arts approach.

The program’s historical emphasis gives students the opportunity to perfect alternative techniques, such as hand-applied emulsions that are light sensitive, platinum printing, gum printing, and other historical practices, while at the same time exploring contemporary photo processes in one of the finest digital labs in America.

Students graduating from the BFA program pursue a wide range of career options. Some join photo labs or apprentice with commercial photographers to hone their professional skills. Some earn teaching certification and turn their talents to the classroom. Still others work in galleries and museums, enter MFA programs, or open their own studios. Whatever path they choose, the Tyler emphasis on developing both personal artistic vision and technical skill makes them flexible, adaptable artists for the course of their careers.