The Great Untapped: Unlocking Assets Through Alliances
September 28 - October 1, 2016
The 44th Annual Gathering of the National Council of Arts Administrators
Presented and Organized by the Tyler School of Art and Architecture of Temple University
Tyler School of Art and Architecture of Temple University is proud to host the 44th annual conference of the National Council of Arts Administrators. The conference proposes that all institutions are now challenged to reconcile their own particular histories with the development of experiential curricula that connect students to an infinitely expanding world.
Schools are no longer the center of the educational universe. Future graduates will require expertise that does not just reside in a particular school, or even just in the university community. Today’s students are not blank slates, but bring the seeds of diverse experiences. How does one honor deep institutional history while cultivating alliances with other scholarly and cultural traditions? What kinds of structural forms best invite us into each others’ histories? How can we foster alliances with outside communities as equal partners, and move away from an aesthetics of display to an ethics of care and deep understanding?
Special Thanks to the Barnes Foundation, Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site and the Mask and Wig Club.
Conference Partners: