
March 19, 2018

Erin Riley-Lopez (PhD student, Art HIstory) to give a lecture at the ICA

Author: Jane DeRose Evans

Erin Riley-Lopez will be speaking on, "Gender in Contemporary Art from the 70s Feminisms to Today's Queer Cultures" at the ICA 's Coffee & Conversations series, Sunday, April 1st, at 2 PM.  The lecture is part of the show Tag: Proposals on Queer Play and the Ways Forward, For more information, see Read More

January 10, 2018

Monica Anke Hahn (PhD program, Art History) awarded NEH-Global Book Histories Initiative Scholarship

Author: Jane DeRose Evans

Monica Anke Hahn (PhD candidate, Art History), has been awarded an NEH-Global Book Histories Initiative Scholarship to take a future Rare Book School course. The RBS is an  "institute supporting the study of the history of books and printing and related subjects.  Students study the history of written, printed, and digital materials with leading scholars and professionals in the field.  At various times during the year, RBS offers about 30 five-day courses on topics concerning old and rare books, manuscripts, and special collections. The majority of courses take place in Charlottesville, but courses are also offered in New York City, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Bloomington, New Haven, and Washington, DC." Read More

December 16, 2017

Dr. Amy Gillette to co-present paper at "Collecting Medieval Art: Past, Present and Future" Conference

Author: Jane DeRose Evans

Dr, Amy Gillette (PhD,  2016), now working at the Barnes Foundation, will present, with Dr. Jack Hinton (PMA) a talk, “A study close at hand of these fine examples of Gothic decoration”: the collecting, interpretation and display of the Taylor collection of English medieval woodcarvings". CONF: Collecting Medieval Art (New York, 27 Jan 18). Read More

November 27, 2017

Art History alumnae and professor speak at the Nineteenth-Century French Studies Conference

Author: Jane DeRose Evans

Christa Dimarco (MA 2007, PhD 2015), Associate Professor in the Division of Liberal Arts, The University of the Arts presented on “Baudelairean Facture in Van Gogh's Paris-period Portraits” Whitney Kruckenberg (PhD 2014), Adjunct Associate Professor of Art History, Northern Virginia Community College presented on “Style as Artifice in the Works of Mary Cassatt”Suzanne Singletary (PhD 2006), Associate Dean, New Academic Initiatives and Graduate Studies at Jefferson University presented on "Le Culte de nocturne: Baudelaire and le style moderne"Professor Therese Dolan presented on “Enivrez-vous: Manet’s Old Musician and Baudelaire’s Du vin et du hachisch”  Read More
