Blog Archive

August 28, 2021

Joseph R. Kopta receives Tyler Art History Graduate Teaching Award 2020/21

Author: Jane DeRose Evans

Joseph R. Kopta (PhD candidate) received the Art History Graduate Teaching Award for 2020/21. Joe has taught at every level in the undergraduate program, including most recently, "Destroying Images: Iconoclasm", for which students revised and wrote on under-represented topics on iconoclasm on Wikipedia. In just over a month since the articles were written or published, over 20,000 views were recorded.  Read More

August 28, 2021

Lily F. Scott receives Art History Graduate Teaching Award 2020/21

Author: Jane DeRose Evans

Lily F. Scott (PhD candidate) is the recipient of the Tyler Art History Graduate Teaching Award, 2020/21. She has taught a range of courses, pioneering the Arts of the World I and II, teaching the GenEd Arts of the Western World, and upper-level classes such as "Sapphic Art". Lily summed up her teaching philosophy by noting that "I treat my own art historical pratice as an exercise of intellectual investigation, and I encourage my students to join me and be investigators as well." Congratulations to Lily for this well-deserved award! Read More