Erin Riley-Lopez wins CHAT award for spring 2023

Erin Riley-Lopez (PhD candidate) received a 2022-2023 Advanced Graduate Scholars Fellowship at the Center for Humanities at Temple (CHAT). The fellowship will support Riley-Lopez’s completion of research as well as the drafting of additional chapters for her dissertation "Queering the Museum: Utopian Futurity in Contemporary Exhibitions", which excavates artists, artworks, and exhibition histories that exist outside of the canon by focusing on three very recent exhibition case studies. Positing a queer institutional critique that offers a model for not only future exhibition making but also art history, Riley-Lopez contends that these exhibitions offer world building for a better and more sustainable future for queer artists and artworks both inside and beyond the museums’ walls. Riley-Lopez is particularly excited to work in the bi-weekly seminars with a group of PhD candidates in other disciplines at Temple because of the work she does along interdisciplinary lines.