Meet the Student Speaker for Tyler’s 2024 Commencement

Kalila Jones will receive a BFA in Fibers & Material Studies with a concentration in K–12 Art Education at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture’s 2024 commencement. A proud Philadelphia native, speaking at commencement has been a bucket-list item for Jones, and now that the time has come, she is feeling a range of emotions.
“I was super excited to find out that I would be speaking at commencement,” Jones said. “I am a little nervous to speak in front of such a large crowd. Excited, nervous, curious, elated—you name it, I am probably feeling it right now.”
Jones’s professor Dr. Lisa Kay recommended her for the student speaker role earlier in the spring semester, which gave her the courage and inspiration to take it on.
“We both agreed that while the Art Education and Community Arts Practices program is small, we are full of heart,” Jones said. “Further, we have the special privilege of bringing together folks across BFA programs, granting a wealth of perspective and skills. My major is Fibers but some of my peers do painting or printmaking or ceramics in addition to art education. It is an honor to speak on behalf of two different programs.”
Jones’s appointment as the student speaker for the 2024 commencement was almost pre-destined, following in the footsteps of two prior student speakers—Marc Williams, BFA ’21 and Hannah Pang, BFA ‘22—who were leaders of Temple University’s Artists of Color Collective (AoCC), of which Jones served as co-director for the 2022–23 academic year.
“I really looked up to them both, and I started thinking, what if it became a little tradition for AoCC leadership to speak at graduation? How neat would it be to add to the club’s legacy in that way?” Jones said. “I’ve been a member of the club since 2019 and I can’t believe such a beloved part of my college years is coming to a close. So, in a way, this speech is for the members of the collective, too.”
For their fellow graduates in the class of 2024, Jones has some key messages planned for their speech.
“I hope that everyone will take with them the importance of community and nurturing their connections,” they said. “Everyone went on their own unique journey with their own unique highs and lows. For me, the people I met were essential to helping me get through these past five years. I want those in the audience who touched my heart, no matter how briefly, to feel recognized and appreciated. I hope that after the ceremony, others will go home and celebrate with the people that touched their hearts.”
Jones has a lot of plans for after graduation, including rest, an apprenticeship, and exhibitions.
“I plan to spend time at the park whenever possible and crochet my heart out!” she said. “Work-wise I will be taking a more active role at my part-time job at Modest Transitions in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia. Additionally, I am excited to share that I am a part of the apprentice cohort for the summer 2024 screen printing program at Philadelphia's Fabric Workshop and Museum. Lastly, I have a few gigs, gallery exhibitions, and workshops coming up for the summer, so be on the lookout for those too! I started by listing the fun stuff first. As someone that is always on the go my number one goal is to make more time for rest after graduation.”
When reflecting on her time at Tyler, Jones recalls a particular moment that stands out in her memory, of a special Wearable Art Show performance held during Homecoming 2022 at the Met, that she describes as a “you just had to be there” moment that she will always cherish.
“It was a day spent running around North Philly, going to rehearsals, getting glammed up, sharing meals, and making TikToks together. Again, it was a moment made possible and made better by folks coming together as a blended community of Tyler students and alums. We all experienced that wild ride together. Shout out to the Fibers and Material Studies team for inviting me to participate in that event.”
Jones has a strong appreciation for the community at Tyler, and knows how crucial each and every person is to building a strong, caring community.
“My favorite part of hip hop albums is when they have a track where they just start listing off shout outs. So: shout out to Miss Melissa, Francis, and the whole custodial team. You all keep Tyler tidy and were so kind to me in the hallways every day. Shout out to Katie Kaplan the Fibers tech! Shout out to all my friends and past professors. And big shout out to my family, I love you all.”
Join us for the Tyler School of Art and Architecture’s commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 2 p.m. in McGonigle Hall to hear Kalila Jones’s speech and celebrate the class of 2024.