Art History

Back to Blog May 14, 2024

Papers delivered and to be delivered!

Author: Jane DeRose Evans

Thanks to all of your annual achievement statements, I was able to scoop up a lot of important information to share with the broader community: these were not shared previously.

It is such a pleasure seeing our grad students share their scholarship in conferences within the region, the U.S., the hemisphere, and the world!

Jessica Braum spoke at the Association for the Study of Arts of the Present ASAP/14, Arts of Fugitivity, Virtual, in the panel: Conceptualizing TRANS-Asia; with the paper: “Plurilocal Subjectivity: Kim Lim’s Transnational Praxis and Cosmopolitan Imagination” (September 2023), as well as 

the Nineteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society, Hanyang University, Seoul, Republic of South Korea, Virtual; with the paper: “Group Work, Feminism, and The Second Hayward Annual’s All Female Jury.” (May 2024)

Rachael Reynolds presented, "The Emancipated Female Figure and Reclaimed Feminine Power: Photographs by Anne Brigman, 1911-1913, at the Eighth Feminist Art History Conference, American University, Washington, D.C. (September 2023)

Maria de Lourdes Mariño gave the paper, “The Dynamics of Art and Politics in Cuba: Tania Bruguera’s Methodology” at Washington College (Chestertown, MD, Oct 2023).

During her Rome Fellowship, Marian Berthoud gave three talks: “Ruined and Rebuilt: Constructing the Ideal Baroque City after Natural Disasters,” at Two Lands/Two Seas KHI Summer School, Catania, Sicily (October 2023) 

and “Sicily, Madrid, and the Ideal Baroque City Plan,” at The City of Art Historians AISU, Naples, Italy (May 2024)

and “Mitigating Natural Disasters: Baroque Architecture and City Planning in Naples and the Italian South, ca. 1693-1759" at the Centro per la Storia dell' Arte e dell’ Architettura delle Città Portuali, Naples, Italy (June 2024)

Ryan Mitchell presented, "The Architecture of Instruction in Late Ottoman Istanbul," at the Historians of Islamic Art Association (HIAA), Chicago (February 2024)

Megan Voeller was an invited panelist with the artist Pato Hebert and medical humanities educator Amanda Caleb at the conference Health Aesthetics, Rice University Medical Humanities Program (March 2024)

Camilia Damico Medina: "Ruin and Reparation: (Dis)Repair in Art and Architectural History", University of Pittsburgh’s History of Art and Architecture Graduate Student Organization, University of Pittsburgh (March 2024)

Also in March, Joanna Platt presented, “Red Lines and Incised Lines: Visualizing Works Progress Administration Policies through the Prints of Dox Thrash” at the Natural/Unnatural Graduate Student Symposium at the University of Arizona

Lily Scott was invited to give a talk at the National Portrait Gallery for the Brilliant Exiles: American Women in Paris, 1900–1939, Washington, D.C. (May 2024), as well as the paper

“Queer Approaches to PMA’s Collection,” for Workshops for Volunteer Services at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (May 2024)

Özlem Yildiz will give two talks during her Met Fellowship: “Gateway to the Divine: Materiality in the Illustrated “Tales of the Prophets” from the Sixteenth Century,” at the 36th CIHA (Comite International d’Histoire de l’Art) Congress, Lyon, France (June 2024)

and  “Water as Blessing and Catastrophe in Sixteenth-Century Ottoman and Safavid Depictions of the Prophets,” at the 9th International Congress of Maritime History, Busan, South Korea (August 2024)