Temple Analytics Challenge Winners from Tyler

Graphic and Interactive Design (GAID) seniors, Luke Harding and Charles Attisano, were awarded the first place prize ($2500 award) in the graphics category for this year's 5th Annual Temple University QVC Analytics Challenge, presented by the Institute for Business and Information Technology at Fox School of Business. This year's challenge offered students three data sets from the following companies: QVC, Pfizer and Comcast. The winning entry utilized movie sales data provided by Comcast that included information on movie budget and box office profit. The winning entry, titled Directing Success, analyzed this data and created an animated infographic that can be used to predict box office success. The animation is available for viewing at: https://vimeo.com/240704803.
Ben Bitter, also a GAID senior, was awarded an honorable mention ($500 award) in the graphics category for his entry for the Comcast challenge. In addition to our award winners, 5 other GAID students were included in the finalist presentation and were selected from over 280 entries. They are: Marisa Cariola, Elana Cooper, Nadine Leeper and Sienna McGinnis.