Tyler Alum Phoebe Bachman (BFA '14) Featured in The Philadelphia Citizen

As an an artist and project manager for The People's Budget, an evolving Mural Arts Philadelphia public artwork, Tyler Sculpture alum Phoebe Bachman (BFA '14) helps bring everyday Philadelphians into the City’s complex budgeting process by creating opportunities for collaboration and civic engagement.
Bachman and her collaborators make aspects of the city government more accessible to residents through creative workshops, collaborative public art initiatives, advocacy trainings, and more. Now in its fourth year, The People’s Budget has a pop-up office open three days a week in LOVE Park, where anyone can stop by to learn more about the city's budget in an informal context, imagine what their ideal budget would look like, and collaborate with the Office’s artists-in-residence. Bachman's work with The People's Budget is profiled in a recent Philadelphia Citizen feature. Read more.