Students Receive Finalist Placement in Arch Out Loud Competition

Ashely McCabe and Joseph Matthews recently participated in the Arch Out Loud Competition. The theme of the competition was Human Trafficking: Tenancingo Square Mediascape. The goal of the open ideas competiton was to "reimagine the town square of Tenancingo, Mexico in response to the prevalent issues of sex trafficking existing in the area." Ashley and Joseph's proposal "Bright Future" includes a landscape-like interactive structure that creates a welcoming enviornment in the square while also educating users about the human trafficking epidemic in the region.
This unique project prompted the students to consider the effects of architecture on social issues. "I think it's extremely important for architects to be involved in social issues. People at home hear and see things in the news, but they can turn off the TV or walk away from the computer. Architecture is right in front of you and all around you, and can serve as a constant reminder," Ashley said of the project. Joseph mentioned how the project forced them to "think less about the design and aesthetic aspects and focus more on what the subject matter means."
Congratulations to Ashley & Joseph!