Art History PhD student and candidates at the Morgan Library & Museum Drawing Institute Graduate Seminar

Flavia Barbarini (Ph.D. candidate, on the right above), Emma Holter (Ph.D. student, center) and Ari Lipkis (Ph.D. candidate, left above) were accepted to the Drawing Institute's Graduate Seminar at The Morgan Library & Musuem in New York. This year's seminar, which took place on Monday, December 4 2023, was organized in conjunction with the Morgan Library's current exhibition of eighteenth-century Venetian drawings, "Spirit & Invention: Drawings by Giambattista and Domenico Tiepolo." This professional development opportunity allowed doctoral students to learn from the curators and conservators who organized the exhibition and gave them the opportunity study a significant portion of the three hundred drawings by the Tiepolo family in the Morgan Library's collection. The Drawing Institute's Graduate Seminars aim to foster a new generation of works on paper specialists, and this year Temple's Art History program had just as many doctoral students accepted as Harvard University.