Art History

    November 9, 2021

    Dr. Emily Neumeier Discusses "Using Wikipedia in the Art History Classroom" on the CAA Conversations Podcast

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Professors Emily Neumeier (Temple University) and Alex Dika Seggerman (Rutgers University-Newark) discuss their experience incorporating Wikipedia in the classroom, suggesting different types of assignments, the feminist origins of the “edit-a-thon” and how teaching students about the reliability and structure of online knowledge is perhaps one of the most pressing issues of our day.Emily Neumeier is assistant professor of Art History at Temple University. She specializes in the visual and spatial cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean, with a focus on the Ottoman Empire. Read More

    October 8, 2021

    Molly Mapstone to present at the American Studies Association conference

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Molly Mapstone (PhD student) will be presenting a paper, "Revealing the Hidden in Plain Sites: Contemporary Ceramic Objects and Political Protest" during the panel Materialities of Making and Revolt at the American Studies Association conference, Monday, October 11 4pm-5:45pm EST on zoom. The program can be found at: She is funded through the Winterthur Museum. Read More

    September 16, 2021

    Taylor Elyea (BA Art History 2020) appointed Registrar Assistant, the Frick Collection

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Taylor Elyea, a 2020 alum, went on to complete her MA at Georgetown University in Art and Museum Studies, with a focus on Collections Management. While at Temple, she was Collections Management Intern at the Temple University Anthropology Lab, and completed several internships during her semester abroad at Temple Rome. She reports that, "I owe much of my success to the Tyler School of Art and Architecture and its passionate and motivated professors. The Chief Registrar at The Frick with whom I interviewed with attended a semester at Temple Rome, so she was very familiar with Temple's level of excellence." Read More

    September 11, 2021

    Joseph Kopta (PhD Candidate) to speak at University of Zurich Workshop on "Purple in Medieval Manuscripts"

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Joseph Kopta (PhD Candidate) will speak at the workshop "Shades of Purple: Purple Ornament in Medieval Manuscripts" at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, on November 11, 2021. He will present a paper, "Purple Aesthetics in Middle Byzantine Manuscripts," stemming from his research on pigments for his dissertation on Greek-language Gospel Lectionaries. The workshop is organized by the SNF-Projekt Textures of Sacred Scripture in the Institute of Art History at the University of Zurich, and features two days of international papers by art historians and conservation scientists of the medieval world. Read More

    August 28, 2021

    Joseph R. Kopta receives Tyler Art History Graduate Teaching Award 2020/21

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Joseph R. Kopta (PhD candidate) received the Art History Graduate Teaching Award for 2020/21. Joe has taught at every level in the undergraduate program, including most recently, "Destroying Images: Iconoclasm", for which students revised and wrote on under-represented topics on iconoclasm on Wikipedia. In just over a month since the articles were written or published, over 20,000 views were recorded.  Read More

    August 28, 2021

    Lily F. Scott receives Art History Graduate Teaching Award 2020/21

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Lily F. Scott (PhD candidate) is the recipient of the Tyler Art History Graduate Teaching Award, 2020/21. She has taught a range of courses, pioneering the Arts of the World I and II, teaching the GenEd Arts of the Western World, and upper-level classes such as "Sapphic Art". Lily summed up her teaching philosophy by noting that "I treat my own art historical pratice as an exercise of intellectual investigation, and I encourage my students to join me and be investigators as well." Congratulations to Lily for this well-deserved award! Read More

    July 23, 2021

    Ali Printz (PhD candidate, Art History) Chosen for Center of Curatorial Leadership Seminar

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Ali Printz is one of sixteen PhD candidates from across the country chosen to attend the eighth annual Center for Curatorial Leadership/Mellon Foundation seminar, both this summer and next. With the support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation since 2014, CCL has provided eight classes of advanced graduate students with the knowledge and networks to pursue professional opportunities in museums.This year’s students represent sixteen different universities and a broad range of fields of study which include contemporary art in the Middle East, the swamps of Dutch landscapes, Soviet Hauntology, ecological art in the Black diaspora, Appalachian regionalism, and marble sculptures from post-Tridentine Rome. Together, this cohort demonstrates approaches to scholarship that promise to expand the knowledge, impact, and audience of our field." Read More

    July 14, 2021

    Ari Lipkis (PhD student) to speak at Piranesi conference

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Ari Lipkis will present "Imprisoned in the Fold: Piranesi and the Video Artist" at the New Approaches to Piranesi: A Virtual Roundtable, hosted by the Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections at the University of North Carolina, on July 16, 2021. Registration for the event is through:  Read More

    June 25, 2021

    Lily F. Scott (PhD candidate) awarded fellowship at the Philadelphia Museum of Art

    Author: Jane DeRose Evans

    Lily F. Scott was awarded the Barra American Art Fellowship at the Philadelphia Museum of Art's Center for American Art for 2021/22. The Barra American Art Fellow assists with department research and exhibition projects while also working on personal research and dissertation writing. Lily's project, Neither Then nor Now: Queer Temporalities & Interwar Portraits of Expatriate Sapphists, examines the portraiture of/by queer American women artists living in 1920s Paris. Read More


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