March 9, 2023

    2023 MFA Thesis Shows Explore Time, Space, and Connection

    Author: Wanda Motley Odom

    Soso Capaldi, The White Whale (2020-2021). Ink, colored pencil, graphite. 31 inches x 45 inches.The Tyler School of Art and Architecture at Temple University opens its 2023 MFA Thesis Exhibitions (March 15-May 6) with a series of group shows by 32 students exploring themes of temporality, location and space, symbols, ritual and social relations, and the connection of parts to a whole. Read More

    November 15, 2021

    MFA Graduates Reunite in Exhibition at Atelier Art Gallery

    Author: Carin Whitney

    The Tyler School of Art and Architecture presents Everything Must Go (Nov. 20 – Dec. 12), an exhibition featuring selected works from 2020 and 2021 MFA graduates at Atelier Art Gallery.The featured artists work across disciplines ranging from painting and sculpture to video and printmaking; exploring diverse aesthetics and conceptual perspectives. Though many of the artists have since moved away from Philadelphia upon graduating, this final gathering reveals how artists create and maintain communities across distance. Everything Must Go speaks to collective urgency—of closures and potential beginnings during uncertain times. Read More

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