January 26, 2021
Author: Zachary Vickers
Pablo Meninato’s new book will explore the current and future state of urban and architectural “informality” and its impact on communitiesPablo Meninato, Tyler’s associate professor of architecture, together with Gregory Marinic, associate professor at the University of Cincinnati, will publish the co-edited book, Informality and the City: Theories, Actions, and Interventions [Springer Publishing Co. of Rotterdam].
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January 25, 2021
Author: Jane DeRose Evans
Megan Reddicks Pignatruo (PhD candidate) has been awarded a travel fellowship - a Samuel H. Kress Research Fellowship in Renaissance Art History to off-set expenses for research travel. Given the current COVID restrictions, the grant has been generously extended for use through June 2022 rather than just the 2021 calendar year.
Her proposal is to travel to Florence to view conservation records at the Opificio delle Pietre Dure on Quattrocento paintings that exhibit early use of oil paint. Should travel continue to be limited, she will travel to the Getty Research Institute to view their extensive collection of conservation publications. The working title of her dissertation is "The Facture of Non-Linear Perspective in Quattrocento Florence".
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November 23, 2020
Author: Zachary Vickers
Tyler Visual Studies student and Temple biology student Allyson Yu (CST and Tyler ‘23) and her project partner, Chloe Gehret (CST ‘23), have won the People's Choice Award in Temple's 2020 Innovative Idea Competition. The competition, open to all Temple University students, alumni, faculty and staff, encourages the generation of innovative new products, services and technologies from all 17 schools and colleges within Temple University which can become the foundation for new businesses.
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November 16, 2020
Author: Zachary Vickers
Over the summer, our country engaged in renewed conversations and reckonings around the racist history of some of our public monuments. Here in Philadelphia, debates around monuments of Frank Rizzo and Christopher Columbus led to those monuments being removed. And conversations continue around a lack of diverse representations in Philly monuments.
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November 16, 2020
Author: Jane DeRose Evans
Dr. Leah Modigliani's work has been included in a large group exhibition, Taking Space: Contemporary Women Artists and the Politics of Scale, which opens at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia on 11/19/2020. Her work is being shown next to other Tyler professors Dona Nelson and Winifred Lutz (emerita).
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November 11, 2020
Author: Zachary Vickers
Renee Jackson, assistant professor and program head of Art Education, is the recipient of the 2020 Pennsylvania Art Education Association (PAEA) Outstanding Higher Education Art Educator Award at the PAEA Conference (October 16–17, 2020) for her research and teaching related to social justice art education and the integration of game-design and game-play as collaborative art forms and learning tools.
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October 31, 2020
Author: Jane DeRose Evans
Danielle Abdon's (PhD 2019) dissertation. "Poverty, Disease, and Port Cities: Global Exchanges in Hospital Architecture during the Age of Exploration", was given the 2019-2020 Carter Manny Writing Citation.
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