Tyler Blog

March 22, 2022

Visual Studies Alumna Alison Evans (BFA '21) Recognized by Honoring the Future for Sustainability Project

Author: Emily Herbein

Visual Studies alumna Alison Evans (BA ‘21) was recognized with an Honorable Mention from Honoring the Future’s Fellowship and Award Program for Emerging Craft Artists Advancing Sustainability. Thanks to the organization, “craft students across the nation are rising to the challenge of climate change, using their powerful visual voices to offer hope and inspiration for achieving a sustainable future.” Evans’ project, Water Works, explored the relationship between  Philadelphia’s waterways and various levels of pollution.  Read More

March 17, 2022

Amze Emmons Presents on Print and NFTs at SGC International Conference

Author: Wanda Motley Odom

Associate Professor and Program Head Amze Emmons has always viewed printmaking as a formative factor in human culture.“Printmaking is really an umbrella term that refers to a range of technologies that trace back to Paleolithic man using stencils on cave walls, that show up repeatedly in across multiple cultures around the world and that have value in disseminating ideas,” Amze said in a recent interview on the podcast Our Shared Field. Read More

March 11, 2022

Dean Cahan Shares Expertise on Inclusivity in Art World

Author: Emily Herbein

Tyler Dean Susan E. Cahan has made her life’s work advocating for greater inclusivity in the art world, particularly in the field of education and in museums. Her expertise, developed over 30 years as an arts educator, art historian, and curator has influenced public understanding of art, politics, and institutional practices. This spring, Cahan will bring her vision to three public conversations.   Read More

March 1, 2022

Tyler Glass Program Hosts "Disclosure: The Whiteness of Glass"

Author: Carin Whitney

This week, the Glass program at Tyler School of Art and Architecture will host the artist collective Related Tactics to facilitate the making of work for their project Disclosure: The Whiteness of Glass.  The project’s primary goal is to make space for artists of color to build meaningful connections with one another and reexamine collective experiences negotiating systemic racism in the field. The project builds on Tyler’s prior engagement with Related Tactics as part of the Laurie Wagman Visiting Artist Lecture Series in 2021.  Read More

February 28, 2022

Madeline Rile Smith (BFA '14) Granted 2022 Saxe Emerging Artist Award

Author: Emily Herbein

Madeline Rile Smith (BFA ‘14), Adjunct Professor in Glass, was recently granted the Saxe Emerging Artist Award from the Glass Art Society. Thanks to this opportunity, Smith will present at the 2022 Annual GAS Conference in Tacoma (May 18-21), participate in an upcoming digital artist exhibition, receive an honorarium to support her work, and more.  Read More

February 25, 2022

Tyler Ray (BS '22) Advocates for Preservation of Historic North Philly Church

Author: Emily Herbein

Lifelong North Philadelphia resident Tyler Ray (BS '22) is determined to use his Community Development degree and certificate in Historic Preservation to uphold one of his neighborhood's most beloved structures, the Church of the Advocate. Ray tells Temple Now that his family have been lifelong members and the church is what initially "nurtured his love of architecture and passion for preservation."  Read More

February 21, 2022

Tyler's Urban Workshop Awarded NEA Grant for Upcoming Design Project

Author: Emily Herbein

Architecture professors Sally Harrison, AIA and Ulysses Sean Vance, RA have received a $15,000 matching grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to support an architectural project within Tyler's Urban Workshop. The project, the Living-Learning Cabin Prototype, will generate a design for an innovative structure that is able to adapt to the diverse social, educational and recreational needs of children with disabilities.  Read More

February 18, 2022

Tyler School of Art and Architecture Issues Formal Land Acknowledgment

Author: Emily Herbein

The Collegial Assembly at Tyler School of Art and Architecture recently adopted use of an Indigenous Land Acknowledgment, developed by a faculty committee spearheaded by Art History Chair Jane DeRose Evans, to recognize the history of the native peoples who originally lived on the lands where the school sits.   Read More

February 17, 2022

Art History's Linda Earle Discusses the Importance of Philanthropy and Cultural Equity

Author: Emily Herbein

Fine Arts Management Professor Linda Earle recently spoke with Temple Now about the consequential impact that philanthropy and artists have had on building equitable creative spaces. Earle, also associate graduate director for arts management track of the master's program in Tyler's Art History Department, discusses the need for change on an institutional level, and looks at large-scale "tentpole organizations," like the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and how they plan to address and further implement diversity plans. She also addresses the recent change in how donors and art funders look at where to give and consider the need to look at "the whole field" rather than just the big-name artists and institutions. Read More