Tyler Blog

October 3, 2017

Ver de lejos Exhibition Reception

Author: Michael Smaczylo

Some pictures from last Friday’s Ver De Lejos/To See from Afar show!This gallery showed work from the Mann Older Adult Center bilingual painting course, led by Jamie Forslund. These artists explore themes of memory, heritage, and beauty by connecting their lives in Philadelphia with memories of growing up in Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, etc.The reception featured several artists present talking about their process and experience, as well as Art Educator Jamie Forslund talking about her experience teaching in a bilingual community arts program. Forslund highlighted the differences between teaching older adults from teaching children and adolescents, as well as the inspiration for some of the projects in the exhibition.   Read More

October 3, 2017

Professor Eric Oskey Participates in Facades+ Conference

Author: tug69032

Architecture Professor Eric Oskey participated in a panel disucssion at the Facades+ Conference last month on behalf of Moto Designshop.  The panel, Philadelphia's Design Trajectories: Growing Beyond Center City focused on how designers can "shape projects towards beautiful, enduring, and ethical architecture."  The Panel discussed challenges associated with growth as it relates to scale, materiality, and vitality, as well as the role of architecture in creating a vision for Philadelphia.    Read More

September 27, 2017

Arlene Holtz to participate in panel discussion at the Michener Museum

Author: Jane DeRose Evans

Arlene Holtz, former Principal at Wilson Middle School, will join the panel discussion at the Michener Museum in Doylestown, PA on Wednesday Oct 4, 2017, from 7 to 8:30. She will contribute to the panel, "School Art Collections: Reflecting on the School Community and Their Relevance Today" as Principal of a school which had a collection of 67 paintings, including well known Pennsylvania Impressionists and African-American artists Dox Thrash and Henry O. Tanner. Nine of these paintings are in the exhibit "Dedicated, Displayed, Discovered: Celebrating the Region's Art Collections." The curator for the exhibit, Adrienne Neszmelyi-Romano, completed her Masters' Thesis at Tyler on the Wilson collection. All the paintings were removed from Wilson against the community's wishes a decade ago and placed in storage. Read More

September 27, 2017

Recent work from Professor Philip Glahn

Author: tug67997

Philip Glahn’s recent writings include “Interrogating Invention: Electronic Café and the Politics of Technology,” Panorama (Summer/Fall 2016) and the forthcoming “The Future is Present: Electronic Café and the Politics of Technological Fantasy,” both co-authored with Cary Levine as part of a book project concerning 1980s art-activist telecommunication initiatives in Los Angeles. Glahn is co-initiator and -organizer of the ongoing interdisciplinary research colloquium “Toward a Technics of Aesthetics: Technology, Politics, and Contemporary Culture” at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and was a visiting lecturer and critic at Towson University in Baltimore. Read More

September 27, 2017

Professor Odili Donald Odita, upcoming shows and honors

Author: tug67997

Professor Odili Donald Odita: Prospect.4, US Biennial curated by Trevor Schoonmaker, November 11, 2017 - February 25, 2018, Prospect New Orleans. Located in the greater New Orleans area. Installation at the Newark Museum - for the newly renovated Lobby space.  Opening November 2017. Induction as a Member of the National Academy, National Academy Museum and School, NY. November 2017. Read More